Shawna Corrin Karrasch

Address: 7 Avenida Vista Grande B7-477, Santa Fe NM 87508. USA
Phone: US and Canada, call toll free (888) 512-1712, Internationally call +1 (818) 486-4419
About Shawna Corrin Karrasch:

Shawna started her animal training career, not with horses but with whales, dolphins, sea lions, walruses and otters. Her circuitous route to horses has given her a unique perspective. Subsequently, she has worked with equestrians of all levels, from Olympic medalists and international champions to veterinarians to pony club kids. Her work is focused on utilizing science based training to increase the animals confidence, solve problems and to help them overcome fears and past traumas. Shawna considers the animal’s emotional well being to be paramount. Of course, this means that the humans need to learn new habits and a new way of thinking. For nearly 25 years she has been helping people to be better humans for their horses. My big mission is to serve the horse, not the other way around. I want them all to be well adjusted and well understood. However, I know this is a journey for everyone so I am willing to meet people where they are in order to plant a seed and focusing on imparting change through education. I have been on this mission since 1994 so I have been a pioneer in this groundswell movement.

I am so grateful to see organizations like WBA as it means that change is happening. I especially want to see change happen at the highest levels.

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